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How To Tell If Oakley Sunglasses Are Glass Or Plastic

Have you ever wondered whether your Oakley sunglasses are made of glass or plastic? It's a common question among sunglasses enthusiasts, and rightfully so. Knowing the material can help you understand the durability, quality, and overall performance of your shades. In this article, we'll dive into the world of Oakley sunglasses and explore some foolproof methods to determine if they are crafted from glass or plastic. So, grab your favorite pair of Oakleys and let's get started!

1. The Weight Test: A Simple Yet Effective Method

When it comes to distinguishing between glass and plastic, weight can be a helpful indicator. Glass is generally heavier than plastic, so if your Oakleys feel quite substantial when you hold them, chances are they're made of glass. On the other hand, if they feel lightweight and easy on the nose, it's likely that they're crafted from plastic.

2. The Tap Test: Listen Closely

Another way to determine the material of your Oakley sunglasses is by giving them a gentle tap. Glass tends to produce a clear, high-pitched sound when tapped, similar to the sound of crystal. On the contrary, plastic sunglasses tend to produce a duller, lower-pitched sound. So, go ahead and tap your shades – the sound may just reveal their true nature!

3. The Visual Clues: Inspect the Frames

Examining the frames of your Oakley sunglasses can also provide valuable insights into their material composition. Glass frames are relatively rare in the sunglasses world, as they tend to be heavier and more fragile than plastic frames. If you notice any visible seams, joints, or rough edges on your frames, it's likely that they're made of plastic. Glass frames, on the other hand, are typically seamless and have a smoother finish.

4. The Polarization Test: Observe the Lens

Polarized lenses are a popular feature in Oakley sunglasses, and they can help you determine the material as well. Hold your sunglasses in front of a reflective surface, such as a window or a mirror, and tilt them at various angles. If you notice a rainbow-like effect or distortion, it means your lenses are made of plastic. Glass lenses, however, won't show such distortions and will provide a clearer view.

5. The Scratch Test: A Risky but Informative Experiment

Please note that this test should be performed with caution, as it may potentially scratch your sunglasses. If you're comfortable taking the risk, you can try the scratch test to determine the material. Take a small, inconspicuous area on the frame or lens and gently scratch it with a sharp object, such as a key. If the scratch is easily visible and feels rough to the touch, your sunglasses are likely made of plastic. Glass, on the other hand, is more resistant to scratches and will show minimal signs of damage.

6. The Temperature Test: Feel the Chill

Glass and plastic have different thermal conductivity properties, which means they react differently to temperature changes. Place your Oakley sunglasses in a refrigerator for a few minutes, then take them out and hold them in your hands. If they feel cool to the touch, it's a good indication that they're made of glass. Plastic sunglasses, on the other hand, tend to quickly adjust to your body temperature, so they won't feel as cool.

7. The Flexibility Test: Bend, But Not Too Much

While Oakley sunglasses are known for their durability, plastic frames are generally more flexible than glass frames. Gently apply pressure to the frames and see how much they bend. If they have some give and bounce back to their original shape, they're likely made of plastic. Glass frames, on the other hand, are less flexible and may not bend as easily.

8. The Price Point: A Clue to Consider

Although not foolproof, the price point of your Oakley sunglasses can also provide a clue about their material. Glass lenses and frames are typically more expensive to produce than plastic ones, so if you paid a premium price for your shades, there's a higher chance they're made of glass. However, keep in mind that this method alone cannot guarantee the material composition of your sunglasses.


Determining whether your Oakley sunglasses are made of glass or plastic can be an intriguing detective game. By utilizing methods such as the weight test, tap test, visual clues, polarization test, scratch test (with caution), temperature test, flexibility test, and considering the price point, you can confidently identify the material of your shades. Remember, the material of your sunglasses can affect their durability, quality, and overall performance. So, put your detective hat on and uncover the secrets of your Oakleys!